Michael portrays Chico Marx of The Marx Brothers in the staged radio play Billed as "The Lost Marx Brothers Radio Show," this is the hilarious comedy that introduced The Marx Brothers in 1932 on NBC Radio. The show was created by young writers Nat Perrin and Arthur Sheekman who also worked on the scripts for the classic Marx Brothers comedies, Monkey Business and Horse Feathers. Groucho is the wisecracking attorney Waldorf T. Flywheel, and Chico as his ne’er-do-well assistant. Since these broadcasts were aired in the days before radio shows were recorded, the crazy shenanigans and classic routines were lost. But now, these shows are brought back to life for the first time in decades. The show is presented by a talented cast: Ron MacCloskey, Rachel MacCloskey, Michael Jarmus, and Michael Townsend Wright. Produced by Scott Perrin. (photo: John Shea)