Man About Town
Michael Townsend Wright meets the most interesting people at parties and special events.

On Thursday, September 15th, 2011 the place to be was the Friars Club in NYC.
The stars turned out in droves to celebrate Drew Friedman's new book (the third in the series)
Even More Old Jewish Comedians and Michael rubbed elbows with New York's funniest.

There was a line to get in and Michael was front and center.

Michael is joined by Tommy Moore, an unnamed mustache*, and the usual paparazzo.
(*With a mustache like that, you don't need a name!)

Naturally Michael chatted with the guest of honor, Drew Friedman.

Michael schmoozes with Friars Stewie Stone and Bobby Ramsen.

Michael and his friend Craig Bierko

Michael hobnobs with The Old Philosopher, Eddie Lawrence
and the new kid on the block, Bob Greenberg.

A toast to Drew Friedman! With Anthony Vitamina and Liz Belmont

Thanks to John Shea and the other photographers for capturing this fun night.


It appears that Joe Franklin really is shrinking, just as Drew predicted.
Michael introduced Joe Franklin to artist Drew Friedman, and vice versa. Photo by James Hamilton.

Michael met Frankie Pace at the Comic Strip in NYC
Actress Michelle Murlin, comedian Frankie Pace and Michael Townsend Wright at the Comic Strip

This was the 1,000th Big Broadcast, Rich Conaty's radio program in NYC. Ron Hutchinson of the
Vitaphone Project, Sherwin Dunner of Shanachie and Michael look on as Rich interviews Arthur Tracy,
the Street Singer. This was in the mid-1990's at the Red Blazer II nightclub in Manhattan.

Ron "Mr. Vitaphone" Hutchinson, Joe Franklin and Michael Townsend Wright at lunch at Charley O's
Ron "Mr. Vitaphone" Hutchinson, Joe Franklin and Michael at lunch at Charley O's

Taking Joe Franklin to lunch is now the "in" thing to do. Drew Friedman, Michael
Townsend Wright, Joe Franklin, Tom Leopold, and Craig Bierko dine at Sardi's.
Photo by Leatha Sturges.

The gang gathers in Joe's office.

Michael is becoming a regular at Sofia's, the fashionable Manhattan supper club.
Here he sings a number with Vince Giordano and the Nighthawks.
photo by Jared Hutchinson

Michael kibitzes with comedian Bob Greenberg at Sofia's.
photo by Steve Garrin

That's bandleader Vince behind Bob and Michael
photo by Steve Garrin

Robert Hegyes (Juan Epstein from Welcome Back Kotter) poses with Michael after a show

Left to right: Joe Franklin, Maria Gloria Baez, Thomas Bond II and Michael.
Thomas is the son of Tommy Bond who played Butch in The Little Rascals.

Hanging with the Facebook gang at the opening night of Drew Friedman's art show "My Way" at
the Scott Eder Gallery. That's Michael Karp, Leyla MonkeyGirl and Liz Belmont with Michael.
(photo by Mel Neuhaus)